Today I'm talking about 10 business lessons that I learned during my first year as a full-time entrepreneur. I spent 12 years as a middle school language arts teacher. During my first year as a full-time entrepreneur, I made well over six figures.
1.Set boundaries. You know from the very beginning what you want. Go ahead and put yourself on a schedule and set boundaries, and set limits. What are the times that you're going to work? What time will you set aside when you're sick? For example, from Friday evening and all day Saturday, I don't respond to any emails. I take some time off for myself and dedicate that time solely and strictly to my family. It's really easy to work all the time when your business is growing. However, you still have to understand that you need time for your family, and you need time for your personal upkeep. Set boundaries and stick to them.
2. Provide good customer service, but don't take other people's issues on as your own. Somebody else's...
The mompreneur market is very popular now. If you’ve never heard the term “mompreneur”, a mompreneur defines a woman with children, who generally will work a nine to five and have a business. Sometimes mompreneurs are also considered work-at-home moms or moms who work from home.
You know, she's a “mom.”
The term “Preneurs” is an abbreviation of “entrepreneurs” and if you have kids, are working, and are an entrepreneur, you are considered a mompreneur.
‘Mompreneur’ is a combination of the word mom + entrepreneur.
Oftentimes, it's very difficult for mompreneurs to juggle marriage, having kids, and trying to establish a business. This is especially true if they’re a new mom or if they are struggling to gain/maintain business growth.
Sometimes moms just feel like managing their home responsibilities and running a business is too overwhelming, so they just quit. And I don't want that to be...
Writing now cannot be an ordinary content. It has to be great quality that’s relatable. How do you connect with your audience?
Initially, you must know your audience, their age group, hobbies, lifestyle or demographics. In general, everyone always has a question in mind. Everyone is always looking around for answers. Everyone always has an eye out for solutions. Here are some tips on how you can connect with your audience no matter what niche you are coming from.
Number 1: Be relatable.
When you write your own story, you need to consider the reason why your story will have a great impact. Ask yourself what makes it transformational and what value readers can get from it. Let your reader in and make them a part of that story. You have a lot to share that impacted and influenced your decision to become an author. Share that journey. So what inspires you? What were some of the things that happened to you? You don't want to focus on the details of what happened as...
Many self-published authors write books, but then they struggle to make money from their books. According to statistics, most authors make less than $500/year. I want to help you break this cycle. Here are a few tips to help you:
I speak to a lot of women every single week, and one of the comments that I hear the most is “God told me to write my book”.
I can relate.
God actually told me to write my book several years ago as well. But why does it seem that a lot of believers are comfortable in saying, “Hey, God told me to write my book”?
However, when it becomes time to put faith into action and practice what is preached, people tend to fall off and forget about the mantle that is placed on their lives.
You have to understand that even when you feel divinely led, divinely guided, or divinely inspired to do something, that alone is not going to remove the hard work and challenges that may be involved.
For instance, I think there's a misconception among believers. When God tells you to do something, it's not just going to fall in your lap. As a matter of fact, your path is more challenging because you are on a divinely guided path. One of the things that...
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