If I Were Still Working My 9 to 5 While Growing My Business, Hereโ€™s What I Would Do

Not many people can say that they are a full-time entrepreneur without ever having worked a 9 to 5. Although I am a full-time entrepreneur today, that has not always been the case. I was a teacher for 12 years and built my business to six figures while working. Knowing what I know now, I will share with you what I would have done differently.


Shift #1: Invest In Help

I experienced burnout because I was doing everything in my business, preparing the kids for school, dropping them to 3 different schools, going to work, coming home and cooking, then working on my business at night into the early morning hours and doing it all over again. I did not think I could afford help, but the truth is that I wanted to keep my profits for myself. I did, and it came at a cost. I should have expanded my business team (by hiring an assistant and more team members) and home team (by outsourcing laundry and housekeeping) much earlier than I did.


Shift #2:  Invest In High End Programs...

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