The Power of Vision, Faith, and Intention
Aug 06, 2022
Have you ever experienced a divine download?
You know, one of those moments when you get an idea out of the blue that seems to come out of nowhere?
Well, I have!
And I can remember the day.
I was walking around my (former) 7th grade classroom with my clipboard, observing students and going from group to group to see if my students had any questions or needed any support.
An idea, a download, came to me out of the blue and I jotted it down in the folder I was holding.
I kept it in my binder, and forgot about it.
Being the record-keeper that I am, I have a habit of keeping all of my notes either in composition books or 3-ring binders (which is why I purchased a Remarkable, but I digress).
I was going through some of my old notebooks recently and I found this.
It was a note I wrote back in 2018 while busy at work.
This idea was for a Writer's Retreat.
A selected group of 10 women.
And to shoot a video to advertise the event.
But I had no clue where to start.
And I had never done anything like this previously.
Well, this is what happened:
I got the idea in 2018 and wrote it down.
Then, in 2019, I finally had the courage to promote it. Instead of 10 women, I wanted to keep the group small and work with only 7 women. Peep the details on the flyer.
And you know what? I didn't know what I was doing, but I was determined to move forward anyway. I started making plans and received great feedback.
The promo flyer I put out in 2019 (to hold the event in 2020) garnered tons of interest...
but nobody paid once I sent them the pdf with the details.
Major bummer.
I was discouraged but decided not to quit.
Still, no one purchased.
I made a few pivots to "go virtual" in my business that winter.
And guess what happened next?
A few months later, the world was shut down and flights and in person events were cancelled due to Covid.
What I had thought was a "failure" was really God protecting me from fees, cancellations, and a ton of other drama.
I moved forward anyway and held a 3-Day writer's retreat virtually. And guess how many enrolled?
7 women!
And ironically, they coined themselves "The Lucky 7".
Fast forward to the following year (2021)
... and we went from 7 women virtually to hosting 87 authors, speakers, and coaches in person in a high level event!
And this year, October 28-30, 2022, I'll be hosting over 150 authors, speakers, and coaches in an elevated environment to help them lay the foundation to write a best selling book and six figure coaching business.
What started out as 7, God saw fit to do that x 20.
This is the power of vision.
The power of prayer,
The power of faith,
The power of execution.
The power of perseverance.
And it is this energy that's present at SFS Live Experience.
Here are a few things that I learned from this situation:
1. Live and exist in Habbakuk 2:2 energy: Write the vision and make it plain (and when you read it, pray over it, run with it).
2. Delay is not denial. Just because something doesn't work the way you intended it to doesn't mean you should quit. Make an adjustment and do it again.
3. You have to start in order for God to bless you with more. You can't position yourself to receive the "more" if you don't start with the minimum and do your best.
If you are ready to elevate your faith, family, finances and future through the art of writing, speaking, and coaching, be sure to secure your seat to Six Figure Storyteller Live!
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