5 Killer Mistakes That Keep Authors From Having a 5 Figure Book Launch

5figurelaunch author books Jun 07, 2022

Ok, so you’ve written your book, now what? You didn’t just write your book to say you did it, so let’s learn how to get your message to your audience. Most of us expect a level of success with our book by making the Best Seller’s List and even having the ability to no longer work our 9 to 5 to primarily help others. I will share with you 5 of the most common mistakes made by new Authors.


Mistake #1: Not Planning Your Launch For Your Book

If you want sales and success you will need to market your book while you are still in the writing process. Pre-Launch, Launch and Post Launch are the 3 phases of launching a book. A buzz needs to be created and inform your audience that your book is being released soon. Social media should be used in your launch strategy by determining what day your pre-sales will go LIVE. You should be in touch with influencers and others in your industry where your readers are located. 


Mistake #2:  You Fail To Build Your Audience Beyond Your Family and Friends

Friends and family will buy your book to support you but will not be your long term clients. Your business will not be sustainable past your launch if only family and friends purchase it. Engage in audience building activities that will attract your ideal audience to you. Join groups that are in line with your book's topic and offer support when others ask questions. Your help will motivate them to look for more from you in the future.


Mistake #3: Lacking Visibility

You must become findable. You will have to leave your comfort zone and become a content creator on social media. If your audience does not know you exist then they will not know or care about your book. Creating videos and pulling the information to create more marketing tools using the videos you created. One video can be broken up and turned into a post, reel, quote or blog.


Mistake #4: You Do Not Ask For The Sale And When You Do, It’s Too Late

You will have to repeatedly ask people for your book sales. It takes 7-10 times for you to show up online for people to know that you have published a post. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and give people a link to purchase your book. You cannot worry about annoying people by continuously posting about your book. Disconnect from caring about other people’s opinions. You have a goal in mind and if someone unfollows you, then they are freeing up space for those who are looking for you to find you.


Mistake #5: You Have Nothing To Sell Beyond Your Book

If your book has helped the reader and makes them want more from you, you must offer them more. Create a digital packet, audio training, workshop, or webinar that will help your reader dig deeper into the information found in your book. If you implement the above advice by avoiding the mistakes that most Authors make when launching their book, you too can have a 5 figure launch!


If a five figure launch is in your near future be sure to visit www.sixfigurebooksystem.com to grab your copy of Six Figure Book System: 7 Steps to Writing a Nonfiction Book That Adds Six Figures to Your Bank Account and Builds Your Personal Brand

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