It's time to solidify your expertise, transform your book into a high ticket coaching program and experience six-figure quarters and six-figure months!


For Experts Ready to Expand Their Visibility, Turn Their One-on-One Coaching Into a Scalable, Curriculum Based Group Offer, Enroll Clients Through Virtual and In-Person Events, and Build Their Team.



For Experts Ready to Expand Their Visibility, Turn Their One-on-One Coaching Into a Scalable, Curriculum Based Group Offer, Enroll Clients Through Virtual and In-Person Events, and Build Their Team.


When you wrote your book, I know you had impact in mind.

Sure, you wanted to make some money selling your book, but becoming an author was more about establishing yourself as an authority in your industry and getting your expertise out there to serve the people who need you.

But now you’ve made $3000 or more in book sales, you’ve worked with clients, you know the transformations you can provide through coaching, and you know you’re capable of more.

You’re ready for a step by step program with a coach and team you can trust.

I’m here to tell you– it’s possible for you, and you’re in the right place.

And if you’re ready to commit to yourself and do the work to bring your goals to fruition, you belong in the Published and Paid Mastermind.

You're the book and business athlete we can't wait to work with if:

  • You’re a published nonfiction author who’s made at least $3000 in book sales, and you’re ready to leverage those book sales into something more
  • You already consider yourself a coach or service provider, and you’re ready to leverage your book to create a signature coaching offer priced $15000 – $10000
  • You understand that real rewards require real work, and you’re committed to doing the necessary work to create, market, launch, and sell your first signature, premium priced offer
  • You desire to do more than simply create a course or coaching offer… you’re ready to begin building and positioning an elevated brand in the process
  • You are ready to change your life and get serious about your legacy and path to wealth
  • You don’t believe in starting something just to quit— you’re disciplined enough to hold yourself accountable and committed to finishing what you start
  • You are ready to market yourself boldly and willing to invest in paid advertisement to elevate and expand your brand

Living a life with status, reclaiming your time, building your business, unlocking the keys to building wealth while leveraging your best-selling book and growing your impactful course and coaching program.

Your business allowing you to be able to take a relaxing morning walk after dropping your children off at school without having to rush to work or drive in rush hour traffic.

Building a high-end personal brand where you position yourself as a premium paid, results- driven thought leader, go-to coach, and authority in your field.

Imagine being able to give and donate freely because you have additional expendable income. 

Imagine deciding you want to take a day off and you don't have to request time off to do it.

Increasing your confidence by truly owning your expertise and creating an abundance of cash flow by having sustainable sales systems, consistent book sales, and a premium-priced offer.

Transforming your reader and audience into a five-figure client and creating a new stream of predictable revenue in your life and business.

You can keep imagining if you want to, or you can take the step to make your dreams a reality. Because it’s all more than possible for you in the Published and Paid Mastermind.

Here’s what you can expect in the

In addition to the Program Curriculum, you will get access to a monthly deep dive workshop taught by Jasmine to help you implement the following systems and strategies into your business so that you can grow your business in a way that's profitable and sustainable.

2023 Live Monthly Training Curriculum:


2023 Strategic Annual Planning Virtual Intensive


Expanding Your Capacity and Hiring a VA


How to Turn Your $1k Offer into a $10k Offer


Growing Your Business with Live Workshops & High Ticket Intensives


Leadership 101


In person Intensive  + Mid Year Assessment


Training Your VA


Developing Your Money Team


Q4 Planning (Virtual Intensive)


Published and Paid LIVE + Mastermind Meetup


Client Retaining Strategies


Holiday Soiree

You've written the book and witnessed a glimpse of your impact.

Now, it’s time to take the first steps to maximizing your income along with it.

Maybe youā€™ve been trying to figure it all out on your own for a while now, but you don't have to keep doing it on your own.Ā 

I created theĀ Published And Paid MastermindĀ to see authors like you develop into powerful coaches,Ā maximize your impact and income, while shifting into your next level.

Are you ready to work?


Hi, I'm Jasmine

your Published and Paid® Expert.

Featured twice by Forbes, and described as: "The Harriet Tubman of the author and self-publishing space".

I'm the CEO of The EMPACT Group, LLC, a seven-figure coaching and consulting brand. As a writing consultant and coach for over 3,000 self-published authors, I've witnessed how every story can shift mindsets, break social strongholds, create generational change, and help you evolve into the leader you were meant to be.

I am a generational educator and publisher helping emerging coaches and subject matter expert authors become six-figure storytellers by teaching them how to package, market, and monetize their expertise to impact and transform the world. 

As a former middle school educator of 12 years, I leveraged my professional credentials, shared my story, and built a seven-figure business in the online space.

Today, I've made it my mission to help people just like you tap into their expertise and leverage it to create massive impact and income. From writing to publishing, marketing, and offer creation, I can take you from $1000+ book sales to multiple five figures in less than a year, all while building a life you love. And I'm ready to help you do that in the Published and Paid Mastermind.

Hi, I'm Jasmine

your Published and Paid® Expert.

Featured twice by Forbes, and described as: "The Harriet Tubman of the author and self-publishing space".

I'm the CEO of The EMPACT Group, LLC, a seven-figure coaching and consulting brand. As a writing consultant and coach for over 3,000 self-published authors, I've witnessed how every story can shift mindsets, break social strongholds, create generational change, and help you evolve into the leader you were meant to be.

I am a generational educator and publisher helping emerging coaches and subject matter expert authors become six-figure storytellers by teaching them how to package, market, and monetize their expertise to impact and transform the world. 

As a former middle school educator of 12 years, I leveraged my professional credentials, shared my story, and built a seven-figure business in the online space.

Today, I've made it my mission to help people just like you tap into their expertise and leverage it to create massive impact and income. From writing to publishing, marketing, and offer creation, I can take you from $1000+ book sales to multiple five figures in less than a year, all while building a life you love. And I'm ready to help you do that in the Published And Paid Mastermind.